Dezbatere „Diasporas Old and New: Social and Cultural Perspectives”
La Institutul de Sociologie va avea loc dezbaterea cu tema „Diasporas Old and New: Social and Cultural Perspectives”, joi 13 noiembrie, incepand cu orele 15,30, in Sala de Consiliu, Etaj 4, Casa Academiei, 13 Septembrie nr. 13.
La eveniment au confirmat participarea invitati din India si din tara.
Programul evenimentului:
15,50 – 16,10 – Professor Dr. Nilufer E Bharucha, Coordinator and Scientist in Charge, Diasporic Constructions of Home and Belonging, CoHaB, University of Mumbai ‘The Old and New Indian Diasporas: From the Jehaji to the Jetsetter‘
16,10 – 16,30 – Professor Dr. Avtar Brah, Emerite Professor of Sociology at Birkbeck College, University of London, ‘Europe, Diaspora, and Multi-ethnic Futures’
16,30 – 16,50 – Professor Dr. Sridhar Rajeswaran, Director, Centre for Advanced Studies in India, Old and New Indian Diasporas: Some CASII (Centre for Advanced Studies in India) Projects’
16,50 – 17,00 – Dr. Nelu Pop, Chestor principal de politie – Inspector general – Inspectoratul General pentru Imigrări, Ministerul de Interne – TBA
17,00 – 17,10 – Dr. Angelica Marinescu, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, ‘Romania as a home:Social and cultural integration of Indians living in Romania’
17,10 – 17,20 – Iulia Rășcanu, Early Stage Researcher, EU ITN7 CoHaB, University of Mumbai ‘(De)Constructing Diasporic Constructions of Home and Belonging’
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